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新浪游戏  2015-05-13 16:11

  12.05.2015 Q&A


  Currently there is a scandal going on on RU server - on a very large community meeting/tournament, WG staff ("helpers") was hired from a bunch of random people who had no clue about any game terminology. The principle of the tournament was that once achieving a result in random battle, you told it to the staffmembers, they recorded it and winners were periodically receiving prizes. Some staffmembers however recorded ridiculously high numbers for their friend, allowing him to walk out with several thousand USD worth of prizes. The rigging is being investigated。


  - according to Storm, the Super Pershing visual model is correct, this is not a bug


  - according to Storm, the alleged 0 armor zone on Super Pershing armor is a viewer problem, not a WoT problem, the thickness is correct in the game


  - the "Domination" is for now considered a "fun" mode, like the soccer was (not a permanent game mode)


  - after a battle, a "dynamic platoon" will become a regular one






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