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新浪游戏  2015-04-27 18:47


  25.04.2015 Q&A

  Here it is:


  - It's possible that the woman crew is bugged in 9.7 - the first perk no longer counts as "zero perk" but as the first one, increasing the XP needed for the second one significantly. Storm will investigate。


  - Storm confirms that individual missions in 9.7 are bugged (completed ones do not count as "completed", not allowing you to progress to the next one);


  - Israeli tank branch was not discussed and won't be added for now;


  - There will be a micropatch fixing some of the 9.7 issues (specifically the one with battle results screen UI);


  - Storm states that 9.7 did not bring any noticeable issues with FPS;


  - According to Storm, considering that it's a new Bigworld version, the 9.7 patch is more or less normal (as in, no big issues);


  - Multicore support is not of the highest priority. Storm: "On bad PC's it won't give a serious boost. Everything is processed by the video card";


  - Laptop owners are among the players WG is targeting with WoT;


  - Developers discussed the eventual appearance of wheeled vehicles in the game. For now, they decided that it is not needed as most wheeled vehicles would be low tiers;


  - Low tier vehicles are "absolutely uninteresting to the player masses"(RG: I Disagree),


  - Storm confirms that more maps will be gradually removed from the game;


  - The only case when individual mission changes do not appear in 9.8 is if WG doesn't manage to finish testing them, otherwise the changes are already decided。




  Hello warriors,

  did you know that Waffenträger E-100 fought at the battle of Halbe in 1945? No? Well it did, according to Wargaming! Because nothing illustrates an event dedicated to a historical battle like a fake tank.。。

  泥门滋道么,百运在1945年参加了哈尔伯地区的战斗?啥,不知道?哦那how terrible.。。根据WG,“确有此事”!没啥能像虚构的坦克一样乱画插图了。。

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