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新浪游戏  2015-04-15 18:52

  14.04.2015 Q&A


  Evilly confirms: in 9.8, current platoon individual missions missions will be soloable (the same conditions as for platoons but if you are good enough, you can solo them). Missions that are RNG dependent will be reduced as well, the only one that will stay will be the one where you have to set enemy tanks on fire. Other missions will be simplified。


  - IS-3, Pershing and AMX-50/100will not come in HD in 9.7 despite the fact that the patch will come out after WGL finals;

  尽管9.7的更新已经推到WGL结束以后了,IS-3、潘兴和AMX 50 100的高清模型还是不会在9.7放出

  - The fact that you can't complete the following individual mission without receiving the reward for the previous one is intentional, not a bug;


  - Storm will not buy or play GTA5: "I don't play games where I am the bad guy. Seriously."


  - Chris Taylor is hard at work on "something" for Wargaming - no details;

  Chris Taylor正努力为WG做些什么——暂无细节

  (查了下这个人:98年创立了Gas Powered Games,设计了游戏“地牢围攻”及续集“地牢围攻II”,也帮助制作了Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance(最高指挥官:钢铁联盟,Steam平台有玩)。13年时Gas Powered Games公司被WG收购了。更多信息点维基百科(英文的))

  - Smoothbore guns and modern tanks in WoT? Storm: "I cannot answer that. For obvious reasons."


  - Storm confirms that the upcoming renders of HD tanks for PR purposes will use the same texture quality as in the game;


  - Super Pershing 90mm gun will not get a penetration buff;


  - Super Pershing in HD will come in 9.8;


  - The list of individual mission changes will be published around the time of 9.8 supertest;


  - The individual mission overhaul in 9.8 will include various fixes as well, not just changes。




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