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新浪游戏  2015-04-13 16:42

  12.04.2015 Q&A

  Here it is:

  - Apparently, WG is trying out a new mechanism: bonus codes that - instead of just giving you something for free - activate exclusive missions instead;


  - Storm confirms that player-presented screenshot without many heavy tanks in hightier battles do not represent the real overall situation (in other words, overall there's enough of heavies in battles);


  - There are no plans to ban the Battle Assistant artillery mod;


  - Russian server will have a 9.7 mission where the best new French branch players (conditions currently unknown) will be able to get the Type 59 and Type 62 tanks;


  - Xbox One WoT will run on 1080p but not on 60 FPS (it will be less) (WoT for Xbox One will come later this year);

  Xbox one上的WOT会是1080p的,不过帧数到不了60(今年过些时候出Xbox WOT)

  - Xbox One WoT players will be able to play with Xbox 360 ones。

  Xbox one的WOT玩家也可以和Xbox 360的玩家一起玩

  The special missions from bonus codes mentioned above include:


  - Finish one battle, get 5 days of premium;


  - Win 10 battles while destroying no less than one enemy in each, get the LTP light tank and a garage slot。




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