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风暴大厅2014-07-23 10:11



  社区玩家的强烈反应让《风暴英雄》的总监Dustin Browder专门发贴对此进行回应:


《风暴英雄》公布神器系统后 玩家意见汇总



  • “That's gonna happen a whole lot more frequently now that all your characters will be unplayable until they have a full set of artifacts. Oh and that super tanky Tyrael that you built with your artifacts. Well now half the time he will be useless and your team will moan and complain that you didn't optimize him for dps Tyrael。
    You know those moments in battlegrounds where the team moans and complains about how you suck because you don't have the gear? Well guess what, now you get to experience that for free! Just queue up as an artifactless character and get ready for people to complain as soon as they find out you don't have artifacts!”




  • “You don't even need to test a thing LoL like, this game was far the best in the moba genre the way it was。
    Now THIS along the leveling system is gonna destroy it。”



  • “First, excuse my ignorance as I am not a huge MOBA person only having played a couple handful of games of LoL/DOTA2 combined. But, it seems like looking over artifacts and comparing them to runes that if this system does go in place for release that DOTA2 will be catering to the casual much more than HotS which seems ironic. Unless Im missing something DOTA2 lacks a rune/artifact style system and earns all its money from cosmetic "upgrades" and there is no reason to grind other than to increase your MMR. Please correct me if Im wrong or have made incorrect assumptions as I really am scratching my head on this one。”



  • “Don't worry blizzard will nerf heroes to the level they were at before artifacts were added to balance things。”



  • “Quite possibly Blizzard will still implement this for the next patch, because "you don't know until you've tested" but as many many others have pointed out, most of us have all experienced this already in other games, and, personally the biggest draw of Heroes is (currently) every player is at an equal footing in the game with respect to character statistics regardless of when they started playing。”


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