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新浪游戏:2014-03-24 10:15

  Excerpt: Roy Cronacher and Karl McLain discuss major improvements to the trait system!

  摘要:Roy Cronacher和Karl McLain关于特性系统改进的讨论!

  Author(s): Roy Cronacher and Karl McLain

  作者:Roy Cronacher,Karl McLain



  Hello there! I’m Roy Cronacher, and as a game designer for ArenaNet, I’m excited to tell you about upcoming changes to the trait system. These changes focus on improving the ease of use for spending points and selecting traits as well as how major traits are acquired. Later on in the post, my fellow game designer Karl McLain will talk about some of the shiny new traits we’re introducing. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started!

  大家好!我是Roy Cronacher,ArenaNet的游戏设计师,能在这里为大家讲解特性系统即将到来的变化真是让我十分兴奋。这些变化将致力于改善分配点数与选择特性时的难易程度,以及改变获取特性的主要方式。在后面我的同事Karl McLain会为大家介绍一些劲爆的新特性。要说的东西还很多,我们赶紧开始吧!

  Trait Points


  Currently, level 80 players have 70 trait points to spend across all trait lines and have to invest five points into a given trait line to unlock their next minor or major trait. We’re condensing trait points so that each point will be the equivalent of five of the old points. This means that at level 80, you’ll have 14 points to assign instead of 70. You’ll start acquiring points at level 30, when the adept trait tier is unlocked, then you’ll earn one trait point every six levels until level 66, when you’ll start earning two trait points at a time。


  Trait Tiers


  One fundamental change to the way traits function is that you won’t be required to visit a profession trainer and purchase a training manual to access the adept, master, and grandmaster trait tiers! Once you reach the appropriate level, we want you to be able to dive right into the system and start playing around with it, so you’ll unlock each tier for free!

  As part of this approach to ** traits more approachable, we’ve pushed back the level at which the different trait tiers unlock for new characters in order to better pace the early game experience and to add more meaningful character progression from levels 30 to 80. Starting with this feature pack, new characters will unlock the adept tier at level 30, the master tier at level 60, and the grandmaster tier at level 80.




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