当前位置:新浪DOTA2专区 >> 正文 作者:yhcyhc123|贴吧 时间:2016-01-06 10:27:33
1月5日更新:告别骨架小小 修改部分寻路
今天主客户端有一个103.7MB(121.MB带工具)的更新 主要一些BUG修复和一些新门票 还没有小蓝本 下面开始正题
冰女 作者Rachta Lin冰女 作者Rachta Lin

  今天主客户端有一个103.7MB(121.MB带工具)的更新 主要一些BUG修复和一些新门票 还没有小蓝本 下面开始正题 

  先看看英文版  HOHO

  * Changed creep and neutral pathfinding with Clockwerk's Cogs, Tusk's Ice Shards, Nature's Prophet Sprout, and Earthshaker's Fissure. These all now work similar to Earthshaker's Fissure, which has been changed to allow a limited amount of creep pathing around it.

  * Fixed a bug where the cooldown for charges for Spin Web, Spirit Siphon, Stone Caller, Fire Remnant, and Aghanim's Scepter Demonic Purge was not properly affected by Octarine Core or Arcane Rune.

  * Fixed Tiny sometimes missing parts of the model when reconnecting or spectating.

  * Custom games will now use the normal pause rules.

  * Adjusted the fog of war visibility volume for Earthshaker's Fissure.

  * Fixed the first wave of Super Creeps in each lane and the first wave of Mega Creeps being too strong.

  * Fixed Glyph not affecting effigies.

  * Fixed a bug where the effects of Kinetic Gems on owned items wasn't correctly previewing in Demo Hero mode.

  * Fixed a bug where Demo Hero mode wasn't previewing the correct style for equipped items.

  * Broodmother's Webs are now always visible for Broodmother's team and spectators.

  * Fixed the transparency on the visual effect for Elder Titan's Echo Stomp.

  翻译第一部分 HOHO



  修复小小的模型在重连或者观战的时候缺少部分的问题.(我擦,再也看不到骷髅骨架小小了吗 HOHO)

  翻译第二部分 HOHO

  自定义游戏现在将采用常规的暂停机制.(那些自定义无限暂停党终于可以滚出了 HOHO)








  加入后台的一些新门票 应该很快会跟大家见面 HOHO



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