当前位置:新浪DOTA2专区 >> 正文 作者:Valve┊时间:2014-12-16 11:09
Dota6.83游戏性改动BUG修复 DOTA2雪无止境


  When spectating a game with a team's Fog of War selected, you now only see what they can see in-world and on the minimap. This applies to player perspective as well

  Improved server stability under UDP packet flood attack by moving packet processing off of the game thread and onto worker threads.

  Added a sound effect that plays when Sange and Sange & Yasha's maim procs on an attack


  Alt-Clicking now works on Passive and Unlearned abilities

  You can now Alt-Click your own, and your enemies', health and mana bars to announce the current health and mana

  If you Alt-Click an item or ability but do not have enough mana, the amount of mana needed will be shared

  You can now Alt-Click buffs and debuffs on your hero to announce them to your team

  Alt-Clicking now works for items without activation (such as Aegis of the Immortal)

  Alt-Clicked abilities that are ready now also include the level of the ability

  Alt-Clicking on a dead enemy's icon in the top bar will announce that they are dead, and when they will respawn

  Alt-Clicking your respawn timer announces your respawn time to your team

  Alt-Clicking on the Glyph button will announce its status, and Ctrl-Alt-Clicking the button will suggest not using the Glyph yet

  Alt-Clicking an enemy's bottle now shows what rune is inside of it


  Fixes for several effects being erroneously visible through the Fog of War

  Fixed a case where users had very large control group settings files, which was causing long delays after selecting their hero (some users in this situation have had their control groups reset)

  Fixed not being able to taunt sometimes after using a prediction charm

  Fixed Death Effects not playing


  Fixed not being able to edit .pcf particle files when launching Dota 2 with "-tools -nop4"


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