

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年07月02日 12:16  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论





  Today, we are more than happy to announce our new main partner -- Dream / 梦想。

  As DREAM Paragon, or equivalently 梦想 Paragon, we will continue our journey with even greater motivation than before. We'll do our best to fight for the number one spot, and at the same time be a worthy competitor to the other top guilds, without whom there would be no race. Also a big thank you to all our fans for your support; through this partnership we also hope that we can have greater contact with you。

  Dream, as an organization, is committed to developing E-sports in World of Warcraft and other E-sports related subjects. Dream was established in March 2010 by Luvis Network Technology Co., Ltd. The never-changing goal of Dream is to be one of the most professional E-sport organization in the world。



  作为(新的)DREAM Paragon,或者同样称作“梦想Paragon”,我们将会以比以前更大的动力来继续我们的征程。我们将会尽最大的努力来争取领先的位置,同时,对其他工会而言,我们也会作为一个公平的竞争对手,因为没了他们也就越少了竞争(的乐趣)。我们也十分感谢我们粉丝,感谢你们的支持;我们同样希望通过这次合作我们能喝大家有更紧密的接触。


  下面还有一封来自原Paragon公会RL Pekka的一封公开信:

  Pekka "arx" Aaltonen, DREAM Paragon:

  I feel honored to be working together with Dream. They share our view of gaming, and have the rare quality of not only wanting and being able to drive gaming forward, but actually doing it. Through this partnership I feel like we will be able to accomplish much more than either organization could on their own, and I am more than happy that we can be a part of it。

  梦想Paragon,Pekka "arx" Aaltonen:


  Constantine Tin, aka Boss Long, Founder and owner of Dream:


  E-sports is a dream for our generation. That is the true spirit behind the organization name 梦想. I am very excited to partner with Paragon which is the world's top 1 WoW guild. And the important thing is that we all have strong faith in developing E-sports. Through this cooperation, I believe that we will push our organization to a brand new era. Btw, our new Chinese official organization website and forum are going to launch soon. Please cheer for 梦想 Paragon!


  For me, its such a great honor that we can be a partner with one of the most professional WoW guilds in the world. Since we met in the event that Luvis Network Co.,Ltd held on 11th April in China, our friendship has become more and more profound. I also found that we had a lot of consensus in E-sports, gaming, and other aspects. Furthermore, I am looking forward to see great success from 梦想 Paragon。








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