

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年12月24日 09:59  新浪游戏


  姓名:Carole Lavillonnière







  玩《体育帝国》 “我们为游戏注入新元素!”



  I'm a sports gameplay programmer. I've mostly worked on tennis, but also on soccer and basket. I'm currently programming the “spectator entry” that will allow players to watch and leave any ongoing soccer or basketball match anytime they want。



  I’m not a game designer, so it’s not my job to design quests or missions, but we have female game designers in our team in Paris, and they definitely bring a lot to the game! But creating a game doesn’t take only game designers, and if you want female players in your game, I think it's essential to have female developers all over the team, as we have a different aesthetic sensibility. We also have an important role in the team, as colleagues: we tend to pay more attention to details, and moreover, mixing sexes at work helps keeping a good atmosphere, in my experience



  The sport I prefer is tennis, not only because I've been working on it a lot, but also because it suits my gaming habits: I’m not a hardcore gamer. I don’t like to play for hours. I prefer to play a casual tennis match with my friends rather than to take part in official competitions and fight for the top. Also, the atmosphere in the cities of Empire of Sports is very friendly, so I sometimes just go and do some chatting。




  While playing MMOs, French players are complaining more than other players. But French people always complain a lot, it’s not specific to games. J Apart from that, French players are generally much less hardcore than Chinese ones. Some like to play MMOs, but they also like to play at home with friends and family, and they buy consoles for that matter. In terms of games’ genre, their tastes are diverse. More and more games are very family oriented, and in the subway in Paris, we can see more and more girls and women playing the DS。




  Our world looks and works a lot like the real world, which appeals to female players: they rapidly feel comfortable in it, as they already know the rules. Also, our event designer in Paris creates all the time new trendy clothes and equipment for our competitions and ingame happening, so there’s a very wide range of customization possibilities. One can be a real fashion victim in EOS, and female players definitely love that!

  Apart from that, women prefer non-violent environments, and interactions with other players in EOS don’t involve killing, or flaming, or dismembering other avatars. Some of our sports are very female friendly, like dancing, which are quite rare in MMOs. And of course, we have all the social networking tools and possibilities, like in all the other MMOs。


  在上海 “我觉得自己像个外星人!”





  I arrived in China two weeks ago. I have never been out of Europe before, and it was very exotic to me. European women are rare in Shanghai, and people look a lot at me, especially women. I have the feeling to be an alien! Sometimes they want to speak to me, but I don't understand a word of Chinese, so I try to communicate with gestures, but it doesn’t work either, and I feel frustrated because they seem very nice and gentle。

  And Shanghai is so big! I come from a little village in the countryside, with only 10 inhabitants, where my parents breed cows. Of course, now I live in Paris, and Paris is much bigger than my village, but it’s nothing like Shanghai. There are just a few skyscrapers in Paris. Shanghai is 60 times bigger! And even if people are trying to help, and if I can find a taxi anywhere (in Paris, you have to wait a long time to find one), I get lost easily, and I feel very small in Shanghai。

  Also, the rhythm is much slower in Paris. Here, there’s movement everywhere, people everywhere, cars and bikes everywhere! I was a bit scared at the beginning, but it’s also very energizing. And there’s always someone to help me: in the restaurants, in the bars, in the streets, whatever I need, someone is here for me. I feel very spoiled! I'm having a good time in China. It's really a fabulous experience。



  I often go to so called “Chinese restaurants” in France, but they have nothing to do with the real ones. Chinese food is delicious. And I like how I can share the dishes in order to taste more things! In France, in a restaurant, we order one or two dishes just for ourselves. We don’t share. The atmosphere is much colder. Also, we often have a desert at the end of the meal, a sweet dish, and you don't have this habit here. But I’m glad there’s none, as there’s so much food here that I’m totally replete before the end of the meal! Another surprising thing to me is that you drink tea all along the meal. In France we are usually have just one coffee or one tea at the end, just after the desert. We have many rules in France, and I think they prevent us from enjoying our meals as much as you do。

  谈恋爱 “法国男人不浪漫!”



  That's a cliché to me. Maybe French men know how to give an impression of romanticism, but in my experience, they are not that romantic! French and Chinese men are not so different to me. Besides, I don't think women really like all these manners: they usually prefer things to be simpler. And why not finding a Chinese boyfriend? As a matter of fact, I've crossed some very charming ones… But I don't think I'm ready to leave France. I love China, but I'd miss my family and my friends。



  We're working hard on Empire of Sports, everyday, trying to satisfy them, listening to their request and advises, but I’m sure we could do more and better, and my message for them is: don’t hesitate to share with us your ideas! Also, I’m very happy to work on a sports’ MMO: sport is universal; it’s one of the very few things that can bring together people from very different countries, language and cultures. And I hope they will like it as much as I do。

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