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http://games.sina.com.cn 2006-07-07 18:28 新浪游戏



游戏视频汇总  新浪宽频

专辑:Mudvayne - Happy

In this hole
That is me
The dead are rolling over
In this hole
Dirt shoveled over shoulders
I feel it in me
So overwhelmed
All this pressure centerizing
My life overturned
Unfair the despair
All these scars keep ripping open
Peel me from the skin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?
Tear me from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy now?
In this hole
That is me
A life that's growing feeble
In this hole
So limiting
The sun has set all darkens
Buried underneath
Hands slip off the wheel
Internal path-way to contention
Peel me from the skin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?
Tear me from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy now?
Are you
Are you
Are you feeling happy?
In this hole
That is me
Left with a heart exhausted
What's my release??
What sets me free?
Do you pull me up just to push me down again?
Peel me from the skin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?
Tear me from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy now?
Peel me from the skin
Peel me from the skin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?
Tear me from the bone
Tear me from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy now?
Does it make you happy?
Are you feeling happy?
Are you fucking happy?
Now that I'm lost, left with nothing
Does it make you happy?
Are you feeling happy?
Are you fucking happy?
Now that I'm lost, left with nothing?




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