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《星战前夜EVE》获E3 2006金齿轮奖

http://games.sina.com.cn 2006-05-26 18:44 新浪游戏

  文/Nelson K. Thachuk

  由Stratics颁发的年度E3金齿轮奖(The Golden Cogs)在此揭晓!今年我们撤销了最佳音效奖,新增了最佳创新奖、最佳代理奖,最佳原创奖,以及最佳开发工具奖。CCP以及《星战前夜.EVE》荣获了最佳创新奖。


  最佳创新奖: EVE Online

  开发商: CCP



  Stratics(www.stratocs.com)授予的‘The Golden Cogs Award’奖是参加E3展的游戏开发商及代理商为对象,每年E3结束后授予的大奖。


  The Golden Cogs, Stratics' annual E3 awards, return for their second year in the mix! This year we've pulled one of our awards, Best Sound, and added Most Innovative, Best Franchise, Best Original, Best Hardware, and Best Development Tool. Without further ado I give you the E3 2006 Awards - The Golden Cogs:

  Most Innovative: EVE Online

  Developer: CCP

  In recent years we haven’t seen many award-worthy innovations in the massively multiplayer online gaming genre, but this year that all changed when we saw what CCP was working on. The first is a feature which has been widely talked about, but hasn’t been implemented properly ? or has been a scrapped feature for many titles: in-game voice chat. We had the opportunity to test the voice chat ourselves and there’s nothing more to say than the fact that it is crystal clear. CCP is taking things even a step further by testing the EVE Online client on PDA’s. That’s right. EVE Online might be coming to your handheld device ? that’s pretty darn cool if you ask us.



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