《EVE》开发商向中国玩家问好 | |||||||||
http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-12-31 09:55 新浪游戏 | |||||||||
刚刚结束为期一周的中国玩家调研,eve的开发商ccp公司一行5人又要踏上飞赴冰岛总部的归途。临行前市场总监Allen向中国玩家问好: 在元旦来临之际,我代表ccp game公司向中国玩家祝以节日的问候。祝广大玩家在节日里玩的开心,注意保养身体。 For the upcoming 06 new year, I'd like to bring the greetings from CCP hf, with our dedicated EVE players a happy new year. since EVE-online has been released 3 years ago, the game were highly reputed by players from different country include china as well. As a detailed plan, we will present the most evaluated MMORPG EVE-online to china, hope chinese players could enjoy this great game. further more CCP will continuously contribute into the MMORPG industrial and going to present more outstanding games for those outstanding players from all over the world. Best regards
美丽的冰岛 据可靠消息,此次“eve老爸”中国一行主要是为了他进入中国打的前哨。接触了北京、南京上海、福州四地的玩家。Allen称中国玩家给予了他很多开发eve新版本的灵感,对eve进入中国很有信心。 2005年末,憨态可掬的北极熊给中国玩家来一个不大不小的冰岛式拥抱。这次“亲密接触”过后会不会产生一断美妙的故事?我们热烈期待!^_^ 声明:新浪网游戏频道登载此文出于传递信息之目的,绝不意味着新浪公司赞同其观点或证实其描述。 编辑:梁凌 | |||||||||