
Aniwow!2011大学生动画节——Waltraud Grausgruber【奥】

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年10月27日 17:49  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

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瓦尔特劳德•格劳斯格鲁贝(Waltraud Grausgruber)【奥】瓦尔特劳德•格劳斯格鲁贝(Waltraud Grausgruber)【奥】

  瓦尔特劳德•格劳斯格鲁贝,“奥地利女性动画电影节”主席,创始人之一。格劳斯格鲁贝女士毕业于维也纳大学,从事戏剧、电影和媒体研究。任研究员出访过法国、塞内加尔和布基纳法索,并策划过多档国际电影节目。担任多个电影节的评委,并出版多本书籍。“奥地利女性动画电影节”是第一个也是唯一一个专为女性设立的动画电影节,下设名为Connecting Animation的国际论坛,内容涉及动漫企业最新发展趋势、培训机会、特殊动画技术以及大师讲座。 2010年该动画电影节获得由奥地利联邦教育文化艺术部颁发的“杰出艺术家奖”。


  奥地利动画特别展元——奥地利女性动画电影节优秀影片展 128分钟 


  Waltraud Grausgruber is festival director and one of the foundersof the “Tricky Women Festival” in Vienna, Austria. Grausgruber studied theatre,film and media studies at the University of Vienna. She was visiting researcherin France, Senegal and Burkina Faso, conceptualized film festivals and curatedinternational film programs. The festival director was a jury member at severalfestivals and published books. “Tricky Women” is the first and only festival ofanimated film that is dedicated exclusively to animation by women. It alsooffers the international forum „Connecting Animation“ with lectures about  the latest trends in the animation business,training opportunities or special animation techniques and master classes by high-calibreexperts. 2010 Tricky Women got the Outstanding Artists Award of the AustrianFederal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture

  “WhitePoplar Award”VFX&Interactive Design Final Jurymember

  Austrian Special128min

  1.Tricky Women“Best of”International Program

  2.Tricky Women Austrian animated shorts  

  Special Guest






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