温伯格教授是德国波茨坦HPI Hasso Plattner学院“设计思维学院”院长。也是波茨坦影视学院驰名欧洲的非线性媒体学科中心实验室的创办者,并担任该实验室主任,致力于非线性媒体的各学科之间网络建设。是这一领域的资深专家。他连续15年担任SIGGRAPH的国际评委,受到国际业界广泛肯定。
特别活动:中国传媒大学动画与数字艺术学院成立十周年/国际论坛“动画教育与产业:对接•互动•共赢” 特邀嘉宾
大师课程——《创意思维工作坊》 演讲嘉宾
Ulrich Weinberg, Director of HPI School ofDesign Thinking. Founder and dean of the famous non-linear media studio of HPISchool, as an expert in this domain, devoted to networking construction of allkinds non-linear media subjects. He is also the international judge ofSIGGARAFH, gaining world-wide recognition onAnimation and Media。
SpecialEvent:Connection•Interaction•Win-win: Summit Forum on International Animation Education andIndustry•Tenth Anniversary of School of Animation andDigital Arts, Communication University of China Feature Guest
Master Class —<InnovativeThinking Workshop>
更多精彩内容敬请关注第六届国际大学生动画节 。