

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年10月27日 17:42  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

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汤姆•诺特(Tom Knott)【美】汤姆•诺特(Tom Knott)【美】

  汤姆•诺特,动画电影制作人、顾问。曾任华纳兄弟公司前任高级主管,他为《钢铁侠》, OSMOSIS JONES,LOONEY TUNES: BACK IN ACTION组建过制作团队。汤姆曾作为21世纪福克斯公司/蓝天工作室的ROBOTS,

  卢卡斯电影公司的《星球大战:克隆战争》, 派拉蒙公司/Omation的BARNYARD, MTV 的LIQUIDTV和迪士尼公司的《圣诞夜惊魂》等项目顾问;联合组织了国际动画锦标赛;

  曾是THE DREW CAREY’S GREEN SCREEN SHOW制作团队的一员;并且曾多次在世界各地进行动画领域的演讲,并撰写多篇相关著作。他还曾任渥太华国际动画节和洛杉矶国际动画节主席。他还为Laika动画工作室的《鬼妈妈》组织了制作团队。


  特别活动:中国传媒大学动画与数字艺术学院成立十周年/国际论坛“动画教育与产业:对接•互动•共赢”    特邀嘉宾       



  Tom Knott is a former Executive at Warner Bros. where he assembledthe production teams for THE IRON GIANT, OSMOSIS JONES and LOONEY TUNES: BACKIN ACTION, among others. Tom has consulted on projects for Fox/Bluesky(ROBOTS), Lucasfilm (STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS), Paramount/Omation (BARNYARD),MTV (LIQUID TV) and Disney (CINDERBITER); Co-Produced the 24th InternationalTournee of Animation; was part of the production team on THE DREW CAREY GREENSCREEN SHOW; and has extensively lectured and written on animation. He is aformer Director of the Ottawa International Animation Festival and Los AngelesInternational Animation Celebration. Recently he recruited the production teamfor Universal/Laika’s CORALINE. He is currently a freelance Producer and Consultant。

  “WhitePoplar Award”VFX&Interactive Design Final Jurymember 

  SpecialEvent:Connection•Interaction•Win-win: Summit Forum on International Animation Education andIndustry•Tenth Anniversary of School of Animation andDigital Arts, Communication University of China    Feature Guest

  Master Class —<TheMaking Of The Iron Giant>

  Feature Guest





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