

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年10月27日 17:15  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

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张志忠(Stanley Cheung)【美】张志忠(Stanley Cheung)【美】

  张志忠先生于2005年被任命为华特迪士尼公司执行副总裁及大中华行政总裁。2006年7月,张志忠先生又被任命监管华特迪士尼公司在香港(除香港迪士尼乐园外)的业务发展。2007年2月,张志忠先生的监管范围扩展至台湾 张志忠先生在大中华区市场有着管理国际品牌的丰富经验,曾与2002至2004年间在强生(中国)有限公司担任董事总经理,在此之前,他在宝洁公司、美国品事乐公司上海办事处以及多家跨国公司任职,包括百事可乐国际(中国)公司。 张志忠先生是迪士尼任命的华特迪士尼公司与上海迪士尼度假区中国合作伙伴上海申通(集团)有限公司成立的三家合资公司的监事。他拥有香港中文大学工商管理学士学位和美国印第安纳大学工商管理硕士学位,精通英语、粤语及普通话。2010年12月,张志忠先生被中国山东大学聘用为兼职教授。


  Stanley Cheung was named the Executive Vice President and ManagingDirector of The Walt Disney Company (TWDC)Greater China in 2005.In July 2006,he assumed corporate management oversight of TWDC operations in Hong Kong(excludingHong Kong Disneyland)as part of an integrated strategy to develop a strongerGreater China presence. In February, 2007, Mr.Cheung's oversight was expandedto include Taiwan. Mr.Cheung has a wealth of experience managing internationalbrands in the Greater China market having held several top managementpositions. Prior to joining Disney, Mr.Cheung served as Managing Directior,Johnson&Johnson(China)Limited, the consumer arm of J&J businessed inChina from 2002 to 2004.Prior to leading the J&J consumer businesses inChina, Mr.Cheung worked for The Proctor & Gamble, Pillsbury Company basedin Shanghai and several other multinational companies, including Pepsi-ColaInternational(China). Mr.Cheung holds a Bachelar of Business Administrationfrom The Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Master of BusinessAdministration from Indiana University, Blommington-USA. He is fluent inEnglish, Cantonese and Mandarin. In December, 2010, Mr.Cheung was appointed asa quest professor at Shandong University。

  Special Guest ofmaking a speech at opening ceremony






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