雪莉•佩姬是美国梦工厂动画公司国际合作事务负责人。她从1986年开始进入动画领域工作,并在1995年成为美国梦工厂建立初期首批聘用的艺术家之一。她参与制作的动画巨制有21部之多,其中包括:《谁陷害了兔子罗杰》、《怪物史莱克1~4》、《鲨鱼黑帮》、《马达加斯加》、《功夫熊猫》以及《驯龙高手》等。谢莉同时也是很多大赛比如FMX (Germany),、AnimatedEncounters (UK)、Siggraph (USA)等的常任评委会成员。她目前正致力于梦工厂的对外交流以及新生动画人才的发掘与培养。
大师课程——《国际最新炫酷动画秀》 演讲嘉宾
Shelley Page is Head of International Outreach at DreamWorksAnimation. She has been working in the field of feature animation since 1986.Shelley was one of the first group of artists hired to establish DreamWorksAnimation in Los Angeles in 1995.Her credits, on over 21 feature films to date,include "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?", “Shrek 1-4”, “Shark Tale”,“Madagascar”, “Kung Fu Panda”, and 'How to Train Your Dragon'. Shelley is alsoa regular member of the awards juries of international animation festivalsincluding: FMX (Germany), Animated Encounters (UK), Siggraph (USA). Her presentresponsibilities at Dreamworks Animation include building relationships withschools and events worldwide and sourcing new talent for future projects。
SpecialGuest of making a speech at opening ceremony
Master Class —
<The ‘Eye Candy' Show>
Feature Guest
“White Poplar Award”VFX&Interactive Design Final Jury member
更多精彩内容敬请关注第六届国际大学生动画节 。