
Aniwow!2011大学生动画节——John Lent【美】

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年10月27日 16:17  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

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约翰•兰特(John Lent)【美】约翰•兰特(John Lent)【美】

  约翰•兰特(John A•Lent)博士是美国坦普大学(Temple University)广电与大众传媒系教授,国际知名电影和动漫画研究专家。他多年来热心于亚洲动漫的发展,是亚洲青年动漫大赛的发起者与负责人之一,并担任亚太动漫协会主席。他撰写与编辑过70多部专业论著,发表过800多篇论文,这些丰硕的学术成果很多都与亚洲动漫和电影相关。约翰。兰特教授所著的《亚太动画》等专著以及创办并主编的《国际漫画杂志》等期刊,都对世界动漫学术界产生了广泛而深远的影响。


  特别活动:中国传媒大学动画与数字艺术学院成立十周年/国际论坛“动画教育与产业:对接•互动•共赢”    特邀嘉宾       

  大师课程——《亚洲的动画与漫画》  演讲嘉宾

  Prof. Dr. John A. Lent is a worldwidefamous cartoon and animation scholar who have been teaching in BroadcastingTelecommunications and Mass Media Department at Temple University and manyother U.S. universities for over 50 years. He has been co-organizer andco-chair of the Asian Youth Animation and Comics Contest and the chairman ofthe Asian and Pacific Animation and Comics Association since 2007. Hispublications include 71 books and monographs he has authored or edited. Most ofhis books including Animation in Asia and the Pacific have dealt with Asianmass communications and were the first on their topics -- such as cartooningand animation. Besides, he is the founding editor of the International Journalof Comic Art。

  “WhitePoplar Award”Animation Final Jury member  

  SpecialEvent:Connection•Interaction•Win-win: Summit Forum on International Animation Education andIndustry•Tenth Anniversary of School of Animation andDigital Arts, Communication University of China    FeatureGuest

  Master Class —<TheTwinning of Asian Comics and Animation: An Historical Overview>  Feature Guest






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