中国传媒大学动画学院副教授、动画系主任、硕士研究生导师,中国(北京)国际大学生动画节秘书长。美国ACM SIGGRAPH教育委员会亚洲首席代表。主要从事动画传播与产业模式研究,完成“2006-2007中国动画产业发展研究报告”、“1993-2006中国原创动画产业报告”、“日本动画在亚洲的流通与影响”等研究课题。担任电视动画系列片《福娃无连环》、《淮南子传奇》策划人、制片人。
Associate professor and Directorof Animation Department, the School of Animation andDigital Arts,CommunicationUniversity of China, Primary AsianRepresentative of ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee, Study field is focusing onthe research of animation industry and communication. Papers such as “1993-2006China Original Animation Industry Report”, ”The influence of Japanese Animationin Asian countries” etc, have been published. Work as “Five Dragon salute forthe Olympic games”. Be invited as speaker in Siggraph conference 2008 andFMX2009.
“White Poplar Award”Animation Final Jury member
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