
Aniwow!2011大学生动画节——Eric Riewer【法】

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年10月27日 16:04  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

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艾瑞克•瑞威尔(Eric Riewer)【法】艾瑞克•瑞威尔(Eric Riewer)【法】

  法国高布兰学院国际事务主任。艾瑞克•瑞威尔于1998年成为法国高布兰学院动画系系主任,他是继Pierre Ayma于1975年创办该系之后的第二任系主任。高布兰图形艺术学院是一所位于巴黎的以教授应用艺术、印刷出版、数字媒体为主的法国艺术院校。在此之前,他就职于Canal Plus媒体集团,负责其培训事务。从2006年开始,艾瑞克担任高布兰学院国际事务主任,他负责的范围不仅是动画,而且包括了摄影、互动和数字媒体传播、动态与平面设计及印刷与数字媒体制作等专业。与此同时,他还负责高布兰学院在巴黎举办的角色动画夏季学院课程以及在亚洲举办的大师课程。



  Eric Riewer became in 1998 the head of theanimation department of GOBELINS, l’école de l’image, a schoolof applied arts, print and digital media based in Paris, following in thefootsteps of Pierre Ayma who founded the department in 1975. Prior to joiningGobelins, Eric worked as the head of training for the Canal Plus media groupbased in Paris. In 2006, he became the manager of international relations forthe whole Gobelins school which in addition to animation also offers trainingin the fields of photography, interactive and digital media communication,motion and graphic design as well as print and digital media production. Healso manages the Gobelins International Summer School course in characteranimation in Paris as well as master classes in Asia。

  Premierefor International Co-produced Animated Shorts

  Feature Guest

  “White Poplar Award”Animation Final Jury member






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