
Aniwow!2011大学生动画节——David Perry【美】

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年10月27日 15:58  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

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大卫•佩里(David Perry)【美】大卫•佩里(David Perry)【美】

  大卫•佩里,美国高科思科技大学数字艺术专业教授,自儿时起便痴迷于动画,后就读于加州的圣荷西州立大学艺术与动画专业。大卫曾任Broderbund游戏公司的角色动画师以及旧金山ColossalPictures公司商业广告部门的助理动画师,十一年以来同时任教于高科思科技大学和加州迪安萨社区学院。他不仅是葡萄牙动画展的特邀评委及演讲嘉宾,还是圣荷西州立大学的做客讲师并负责指导一学生自创动画团体的作品。在高科思,大卫作为动画导演为多次获奖的Project X系列影片提出过很多建议,他还是两次高科思卓越教学奖得主并是免费的学生动画节目Monkey Jam的创始人。


  大师课程、展映《X计划:<破碎的世界>制作流程》 演讲嘉宾

  David Perry, professor of Animation.Entranced by animation since his childhood, David Perry studied art andanimation at San Jose State University in California. Dave worked as characteranimator for Broderbund Games and assistant animator on broadcast commercialsat Colossal Pictures in San Francisco, For the past eleven years he has taughtanimation at Cogswell College and De Anza College. He has been a juror andguest lecturer for the Animatu International Digital Animation Festival inPortugal, and has served as guest lecturer at San Jose State University wherehe guided the production of a student produced animated feature. At Cogswell hehas advised and served as animation director on the multiple award winningProject X films. He is a two time recipient of Cogswell’s Excellence in Teaching award and is author of Monkey Jam, a freeanimation program for students。

  “WhitePoplar Award”Animation Final Jury member

  Master Class & Screening

  —<Behind the Project X-the Worlds Apart>

  Feature Guest






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