
Aniwow!2011大学生动画节——Chuck House【美】

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年10月27日 15:49  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

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查克•豪斯(Chuck House)【美】查克•豪斯(Chuck House)【美】


  最近,他担任了斯坦福大学关于创新媒体与技术的五年研究项目——Media X@ Stanford的负责人。他曾在初创企业和转型企业都有过长时间的工作经验。除了与惠普和英特尔公司的主要的交流与活动外,豪斯还拥有的头衔包括,计算机械研究所、电气和电子工程师学会院士,美国计算机图形图像大会主席和美国电气和电子工程师协会副主席。他也曾获得众多行业奖项,最著名的是获得了HP优异奖章,以奖励他完成的具有先驱性的计算机图形框。此外,他还是《惠普现象:创新和业务转型(斯坦福大学出版社,2009年)》的作者之一,同时也参与编辑了《逻辑电路和微机系统(麦格劳-希尔)》。

  特别活动:中国传媒大学动画与数字艺术学院成立十周年/国际论坛“动画教育与产业:对接•互动•共赢”    特邀嘉宾        

  Chuck House has extensive university andindustry experience - most recently, leading Media X@ Stanford, StanfordUniversity's industry affiliate research program on innovation, media andtechnology, for five years. He has had a long entrepreneurial andintrapreneurial career with both start-ups and turn-arounds, in addition tomajor activities with Hewlett-Packard and Intel Corporations. House, anAssociation for Computing Machinery and Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers Fellow, was an ACM President and an IEEE Vice-President. Recipient ofnumerous industry awards, he is perhaps best known for winning The HP Medal ofDefiance from David Packard for completing a pioneering computer graphics box.He is co-author of both The HP Phenomenon: Innovation and BusinessTransformation (Stanford Press, 2009), and Logic Circuits and MicrocomputerSystems (McGraw-Hill)。

  SpecialEvent:Connection•Interaction•Win-win: Summit Forum on International Animation Education andIndustry•Tenth Anniversary of School of Animation andDigital Arts, Communication University of China    Feature Guest






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