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第二届Chinajoy技术论坛演讲人Raph Koster
http://games.sina.com.cn 2004-09-10 16:00 新浪游戏

Raph Koster先生

  As Chief Creative Officer for Sony Online Entertainment, Mr. Koster ensures that SOE's products continue to lead the market in innovation and creativity. Bringing more than eight years of experience to the SOE team, Mr. Koster is a well-respected and sought-after authority on the topic of virtual worlds. Prior to his position as CCO, Mr. Koster served as the Creative Director of Star Wars Galaxies(tm): An Empire Divided(tm) for SOE, where he oversaw the product's design and contributed to community management. Prior to joining Sony Online, Mr.Koster was the lead designer of Ultima Online, and Ultima Online: The Second Age.

  Raph Koster先生,SOE公司CCO

  作为索尼在线娱乐的CCO,Raph Koster先生的工作就是确保索尼在线娱乐产品在创新方面能持续在市场上处于领导地位。在加入索尼在线娱乐之前,Raph Koster先生就已经在这个行业工作了8年,是游戏界广受尊敬和欢迎的权威人士。他曾是索尼在线娱乐产品《星球大战网络版:帝国分裂》的策划总监。而在加盟索尼在线娱乐之前他曾是《网络创世纪》以及《网络创世纪:次世代》的主设计。


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索尼在线致中国EQ玩家及媒体的一封信函 (2003-04-24 16:58)

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