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第二届Chinajoy技术论坛演讲人Neil Young
http://games.sina.com.cn 2004-09-10 15:27 新浪游戏

Neil Young先生

  Neil Young is currently the general manager of Maxis Studio and a VP of Electronic Arts. Previous to Maxis, Neil led the development of EA & New Line Cinema’s The Lord of the Rings games. The first two game from the series, The Two Towers & The Return of the King have each seen sales in excess of over 5 million units worldwide. British-born Young began his career in the interactive entertainment industry in 1988, when he was a programmer and producer at Imagitec, a small British development company. He joined the staff at Probe Software in 1990 as a senior producer, working on a wide variety of titles for Acclaim, Sega, Hudson, USGold and Virgin Interactive. Young moved to the United States in 1992, where he went to join Virgin Interactive, where he produced or executive produced Disney's Aladdin, Jungle Book, Toonstruck, 11th Hour, among many others and ultimately held the position of Vice President for Product Development. In April of 1997, Young was named Vice President and General Manager of ORIGIN Systems, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts based in Austin, Texas. During this time, Young supervised the launch of the highly successful Ultima Online. In 1999, Young left ORIGIN to become Vice President and Executive in Charge of Production at Electronic Arts, where Neil was the creator and driving force behind Majestic, the first Internet-based interactive game that places players in the center of an unfolding conspiracy-thriller. Majestic blurred the line between fiction and reality by engaging players through non-traditional gaming mediums such as the telephone, email and fax.

  美国艺电公司副总裁兼Maxis Studio总经理Neil Young先生在加入Maxis之前,是《魔戒》系列游戏开发团队的负责人。该系列最早的两款游戏《双城奇谋》和《王者无敌》在世界范围内的销量均超过了500万。出生于英国的Neil Young先生于1988年涉足互动娱乐产业,是英国一个小型开发公司的程序员和制作人。1992年到美国,加入了维真公司,制作了迪斯尼的《阿拉丁》、《森林王子》、《卡通总动员》、《第11小时》等作品,并成为了维真公司产品部的副主管。1997年4月,Neil Young先生被任命为艺电公司在德克萨斯州的子公司Origin Systems的副总裁,主管了《网络创世纪》的启动。1999年,他开始担任艺电的副总裁和产品总监。


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