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第二届chinajoy高峰论坛演讲人Douglas Lowenstein
http://games.sina.com.cn 2004-09-10 14:03 新浪游戏

Douglas Lowenstein先生

  Douglas Lowenstein became the first president of the Entertainment Software Association (formerly the Interactive Digital Software Association) in June, 1994. Since then, he has built the ESA into the most influential and important worldwide trade body representing the computer and video game software industry. Under Lowenstein’s leadership, ESA has created the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), which Senator Joe Lieberman has called “a model” for other entertainment industries, established the world’s largest trade show dedicated to interactive entertainment, the Electronic Entertainment Exposition (E3), built a worldwide anti-piracy program, and developed an effective federal, state, and local public policy advocacy program.

  1994年6月Douglas Lowenstein先生成为ESA协会(前身是IDSA协会)的主席。从那时开始,在他的领导下,ESA成为世界范围内最具影响力和最重要的PC和电视游戏软件产业的协会。在Lowendstein先生的领导下,ESA创建了被ESRB协会,同时也 创办了世界最大的互动娱乐展会E3、开展了世界范围内的反盗版培训等活动。



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