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http://games.sina.com.cn 2004-08-16 15:58 E赛网













  Translated by Magic

  For all you dayfly fans, well dayfly retired from warcraft,Imbriefly translating his statement from his daumcafe.(there arelotsof errors and proof reading needs to be done, translation eveninmy opinion is horrible because it just doesnt grasp thesameemotion dayfly delivers in his writings. in addition this wasdonein 15 minutes as I was reading it)

  Dayflys statement


  I have been planning my retirement from WC3 for quite sometime.Ive started playing WC3 since the August of 2002 andcurrentlyits the August of 2004 and I have played both ROC and TFTequallyfor 1 year and Ive given my first consideration forretirementwhen I first got my hands on TFT.

  When I first got eliminated at ESWC held in Frane, it was just3days of hell of disbelief, all I could think about was thefactthat Id lost and at the time I was going madly insane. Onlythingthat came kept me going was to practice more, try harder andneverto lose again. When I returned to Korea, I parted fromOnGameNetand MBC league and I kept on practicing and trying harder,as Ikept on playing and playing my final conclusion was reached,tofold the game. The reason being for my retirement wasntnecessaryfrom my poor performance nor the games imbalance but forpersonalreasons beyond the game.

  At the time of ESWC, reality came strong as something I wassogood at came crashing down. It was seriously too hard onmementally at the time which made me nearly at the edge of sanity.Iwanted to do better but reality just wasnt allowing me to, andthestress was too immense. That is when I firstconsideredretirement.(this graph is lot more powerful in korean)

  The words mentioned above is not my way of breaking down butmyway of clean retirement from this game. Im a type of personthatsets a high standard goal and really never mention my hardshipstoanyone. My decision for this retirement did not come easy. Thatiswhy I had to give up my job in which I truely loved to do..

  While all these thoughts were going on, I had a match inSonokongand many of the viewers and spectators were expecting tosee myperformance and strategy, it was a moment where I had to trybesthardest even though it was out unwillingness. However, I didnttrymy hardest, it was just too hard for me to try my best withoutanyconfidence in myself.

  One of the most hardest thing for me to do was to say that Ihadtried my hardest when I really havent at all. The phrase Iwilldo my best, became meaningless and eventually I started sayingitwithout giving any second thoughts to it, which was really sad.Implanning to use that phrase only when I truely mean to say itsuchas when I find a different job.

  (Dayfly writes a long analogy to his current life to asituationin WC3)

  Its really hard for my center now, and Ive given thisretirementcountless thoughts so Im leaving without any regrets orlingering.Its quite sad to see people around me drift apartslowly. Thepeople will probably remr as the bad tempered, curlyhaired, andcenter handed guy but hopefully people will rather remrme as adecent guy that tried his best to live an honest life andalso whohave changed for people around him. Theres a small hopefor methat the people would remr me while Im gone.

  Even though the extra money from my sponsor and my 2nd jobisgreatly helping my family, I want to leave this scenewithoutfurther hurting my image in performance.

  During my game at MBC league, I considered that game my verylastso I came prepared and ready, however I just couldnt focusfromthe fact that it was my last game. In addition, I guess itwould bebetter to lose the last game and look shabby then to winthe lastgame and look victorious.

  Im willing to earn back as much as I gave up when Im startingmynew job. I have lots of confidence and courage to do so.

  There is no way I could have come this far by myself and Iwouldlike to thank everyone that helped me to achieve this far.Imsorry I cant personally confront and thank all the peoplethathelped me get here. Im sorry that I had to post this publiclytoeveryone without mentioning my retirement to anyone. Ivealreadydecided and Ive pretty much never regretted anything in mylife sosame goes for retiring from gaming.

  Sure feels good letting it all out. All my belongings inthepractice room is nearly cleaned out. Ill be on a vacationtoTaiawn for a few days so hopefully during my rest everything inmyhead can be all cleared out.

  Finally, I would like to thank my fans that always cheered meon,and also like to apologize for my departure. (_ _)

  Magic:End of Dayflys statement,

  As you know, the long posts above me were all part ofdayflysstatement.

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