原文如下:(来自Gone Gold Forum)
Theres official word posted on the beta forums that theCommunityManager (Katricia) has center. No indication given whethershe quit,was fired, and whether or not it relates to the nextpiece ofinfo.
I only have confirmation through one source, but I consideritreliable. Vivendi dropped a bomb on Blizz today, mandatingthatthere will be a code freeze on 9/16, a gold date of 10/16 andageneral release in Novr. Evidently theyre not doing sowellfinancially and want Blizzard/WoW to bail them out in thefourthquarter.
Again, this is one person at Blizzards take as reported to me,Ihavent seen any actual memos or anything. Its a shame, though,asI cant imagine how they could possibly wrap up all thenewcontent, features, artwork, music, etc. etc. thats planned ANDfixthe bugs (that are barely noticeable when youre playing forfree,but not acceptable in a pay-to-play game from my perspective)injust a month and a half. It looks to me like Blizzard willlikelyrelease a game thats 10x more finished than OTHER games ofthegenre, yet wont actually live up to the standard of Blizz gamesinterms of being complete. What a shame.