新浪游戏6月22日讯 本站今天从维旺迪环球游戏(VU Games)获悉,维旺迪已对近期的大规模裁员给出解释,但此次大规模裁员计划不包括维旺迪旗下正在开发《魔兽世界》的著名游戏开发小组暴雪。
维旺迪环球游戏首席执行官Bruce Hack对这次涉及350人的大规模裁员给出的解释是:“调整机构和降低成本是提高运营效率和收益的必要手段,这是我们为公司发展更好定位而制定的重整计划中的又一重要步骤。”
虽然重组对象为北美业务人员,但是因《魔兽世界》而使母公司正式进入大型网络游戏的暴雪小组将不会受到影响。另外,维旺迪环球游戏已经对下半年即将发布的游戏作出预计,除《魔兽世界》外还有古惑狼(Crash Twinsanity),幻想空间(Leisure Suit Larry), 超世纪战警(The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay), 猎魔人(Van Helsing),地面控制2(Ground Control II),搏击俱乐部(Fight Club)和宝贝龙(Spyro: A Hero's Tail)。
LOS ANGELES - June 21, 2004 - Vivendi Universal Games (VU Games) today announced another step in its turnaround plan to improve operating effectiveness, reduce costs and position for growth. The changes include a significant staff reduction in its North American based operations resulting in the elimination of 350 staff positions. The Company's Blizzard Entertainment studio was not part of the staff reduction.
“Restructuring the organization and reducing our cost base are necessary to improve our operating effectiveness and profitability,” said VU Games CEO Bruce Hack. "This constitutes another important step in our turnaround plan aimed to better position the Company for growth."
With a global and more focused organization in place, VU Games is looking ahead to the second half of the year with several major releases scheduled for launch. VU Games plans to release World of Warcraft from Blizzard Entertainment, marking the Company's entry into the massively multi-player online role-playing games category. Other current and upcoming releases for 2004 include Crash Twinsanity, Leisure Suit Larry, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, Van Helsing, Ground Control II, Fight Club and Spyro: A Hero's Tail.
(刘姣 编译)