新浪游戏6月15日讯 本站今天从暴雪官方网站获知,《魔兽世界》下一轮beta测试已经提上日程。
代表暴雪发言的官方论坛版主今天透露,beta测试的下一轮邮件将在本次更新完成后发出,彼时将开始下一阶段的beta测试,fan site有奖活动的胜利者将成为下一阶段beta测试的新增测试者。
原文为:The winners of the fan site contests will receive their Authentication Codes as soon as the next round of testers are sent emails.
The next wave of beta emails will be sent out after the new patch has been successfully completed. At that time, we will begin the next phase of the beta test and add the next round of testers including the fan site contest winners.