尼在线公司(Sony Online Entertainment),索尼公司通过育碧公司给中国EQ玩家和各媒体发来了一封信函,向所有的中国EQ玩家和媒体表示了感谢,全文如下:
Dear EverQuest Players of China and Media Representatives:
As the developer of EverQuest (EQ), we sincerely thank all the EQ players and media professionals for your support. The large number of passionate and dedicated players is the very reason for the introduction of EQ to China. We are now working together with Ubi Soft to launch and operate EQ. We pride ourselves on hosting some of the best gamers in the world and with a first class partner are confident of EQ's success in China.
It is our goal to expand the EQ market in China with our partner, and provide additional challenging games to China in near future. SOE and Ubi Soft will strive to preserve a pure land in the EQ world with the support of players in China.
Again, we express our thankfulness to all the players in China. It is your passion that brings this fantastic gamesintosyour life. We appreciate your fervor and will continue to provide a quality game for you to enjoy.
We will realize the promise through our service and operation by Ubi Soft Shanghai.