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Job Title: Concept Artist (CGA II)
http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-05-16 13:15 新浪游戏

  Job Title: Concept Artist (CGA II)

  Location: Shanghai, China


  Generate casual game ideas for EA China market surveys.

  Show potential direction for future projects; generates quality and reasonable quantity of original work

  Build mockups/visual prototypes for posters and demos

  Test ideas that will work well both artistically and technically

  Produce high quality presentation material for marketing reviews and other internal meetings

  Provide feedback toward EA US products.

  Under the art direction of the Art Director or Senior Concept Artists;

  •Perform research for concept art

  •Create clear and concise drawings for product tests

  •Create presentation quality art (drawings, storyboards, animatics, etc)

  •Translates design and research documents into construction drawings


  At least 3-5 years Cinematic/games production experience, 1-2 years feature film a plus

  Good ability to visually and verbally communicate complex mechanical and emotional concepts

  Strong organizational and presentation skills

  Must demonstrate an ability to quickly ideate and generate a wide array of concepts.

  A history of developing concepts, that are useful and effective for product definition.

  Strong drawing skills in both black & white and color with an emphasis on understanding of light and shadow

  A portfolio demonstrating the following is required:

  •Very strong traditional illustration skills in a variety of media as well as excellent drawing skills

  •A strong ability to think in 3-D

  •Strong fundamental art skills

  •Good use of line, light and shadow

  •Storytelling and concept development

  •Breadth of artistic styles

  •Understanding of color theory

  •Ability to work within a style including a style set by another artist/art director

  Strong communication skills in Chinese (Mandarin).

  May be required to travel.

  Desirable Skills:

  Fluent English highly desired

  Avid gamer

  Past avatar concept design experiences

  Ability to animate and model.


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