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Job Title: Modeler (CGA II)
http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-05-16 13:15 新浪游戏

  Job Title: Modeler (CGA II)

  Location: Shanghai, China


  •Based upon concept drawings/reference materials or direction from art leads; create 3D assets for a title that are consistently built within the correct specifications

  •Create textures from photographs or existing source art, or paint new textures as necessary

  •Assist in modeling workflows and protocols


  •Ability to work from reference materials with high level of accuracy (to ref. Material)

  •Ability to model moderate to complex 3D organic and/or mechanical characters and / or environments without specific reference

  •Excellent understanding of mesh topology with advanced polygonal modeling skills is a must, (and a candidate should possess a strong grasp of modeling workflows and rigging).

  •A strong understanding of one of the mainstream 3D packages, such as Maya (preferred), or 3DStudio Max and have a strong proficiency with Photoshop.

  •Ability to modify and create efficient and effective textures

  •Should possess 3 or more years experience working in a team environment as a 3D artist

  •May be required to travel.

  •Experience in traditional/practical model making or practical film effects may be applicable in lieu of a college degree.

  •Able to create high quality, non-organic models in low, medium and high polygon counts.

  •Excellent communication skills.

  •A demo portfolio demonstrating the following is required: Excellent Modeling and Texturing skills;Good use of light and shadow; Excellent sense of scale; Excellent level of finish.

  Desirable Skills:

  English written and verbal communication skills

  Online game development experiences

  Avid Gamer

  Concept Design and/or Animation experiences


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