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每日一牌教室第1期 -- 方向错误


英文卡名 Misdirection
中文卡名 方向错误
魔法力费用 3蓝蓝
种类 瞬间
画家 Paolo Parente
编号 87/350



  你可改为将手上一张蓝色牌移出游戏,以代替支付方向错误的魔法力费用。指定单一目标的目标咒语改以另一个目标代替。You may remove a blue card in your hand from the game instead ofpaying ~this~'s mana cost. ; Target spell with a single target targetsanother target instead.出自玛凯迪亚系列。



  1. 对方用惊骇杀我一个生物,我可不可以用方向错误把他偏到一张地上?这样就杀不了那个生物了。


  见下面的规则:If there is no other legal target for the spell, Misdirection does notchange the target. [D'Angelo 00/07/24]如果没有其它合法的目标,方向错误就不改变目标,就是说你是不能指定不合法的目标的。2.我可不可以用方向错误使一张反击反击它自己?回答:不可以,见下面的规则:You cannot make a spell which is on the stack target itself. Thus, you cannot make Counterspell target itself [D'Angelo 99/12/07]你不能使一个在堆叠里的咒语以他自己为目标,就是说,你不能使一个反击反击他自己。3.那么我能不能用方向错误是对方的反击失效呢?回答:是可以的。办法就是:指定反击反击你的方向错误。为什么这样可以呢?根据下面的三项规则:You choose the spell to target on announcement, but you pick the new target for that spell on resolution. [bethmo 99/11/30]You can choose to make a spell on the stack target the Misdirection you are playing (if such a target choice would be legal had the spell be cast while Misdirection was on the stack). The new target for the Misdirection spell is not chosen until Misdirection resolves. See Rule T.6.1 to see that Misdirection is still on the stack when new targets are selected for the spell. [D'Angelo 00/06/20]A Counterspell can be changed to target something that is further downthe stack (meaning the target will resolve before the counterspell does). [D'Angelo 00/05/20]


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