先前就爆出EA新做《荣誉勋章》获得7.0分,不欢而散。这次EA不惜血本倾情打造极品飞车大作《极品飞车:热力追踪》。《极品飞车14:热力追踪》是一款着重于纯粹驾驶娱乐的顶级游戏。 无论汽车和游戏环境皆相当华丽、壮观,新的 Autolog 功能让你和你的朋友感受到焕然一新的游戏体验。 单人比赛或许有点重复的性质,但整体来说,《极品飞车14:热力追踪》是一款非常热情的游戏。 如果您正在寻找一能让你紧握方向盘狂飙,但又无需太认真的竞速游戏,来吧!
8.5 Presentation
The menus aren't exactly beautiful, but they get the job done. A few gripes here and there, too. No cockpit view? Sadface.
9.0 Graphics
I've never seen better-looking environments in a racing game. The scenery shines, the cars are beautiful and everything runs smoothly.
9.0 Sound
Excellent. The engine notes are spot-on, and hearing certain cars is bound to give you chills. Rain, thunder and environment sound are dramatic. Soundtrack is better than I expected.
9.0 Gameplay
The cars are a blast to drive, the crashes never get old, and the races truly come to life. Hot Pursuit just feels good in your hands
8.5 Lasting Appeal
The career mode gets a bit repetitive after a while, but the brilliant Autolog, online multiplayer and the sheer enjoyment of driving and crashing offset it.