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关于q3dm13中jump to MH的问题



      关于q3dm13中jump to MH的问题国外的一些q3站点的bbs 上常有一些讨论如http://ubb.xsreality.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000029.html

      "After switching to /com_maxfps 120 I can easily do a simple jump up to the MH, everytime.Anything less that 120 and I can not jump up to it. This raises some interesting issues if the physics of the game is related to how fast your machine is."

      设置:\com_maxfps 120 能轻松的吃到MH?这两者有关系吗?\com_maxfps应设成多少为好?deflaut is 85。我用了这个办法.还是跳不上 damn:(如果你非得吃他,最简单的方法:rj吧:)既方便又加了H.hehe 不过你想探讨一些技术问题,在研究研究吧^_^


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